Kymberlie IA question: Write her back with a real answer! Marked as new in inbox.
[just email]
+k-b games: Write Kathy-bella about games links.
+shawn at blogspot: Email back with info about blogstyles's archives... look on the blogger page for a page to point her to with codes.
+becky-starquilt: Write quote for modification of Starquilt set - she wants a sidebar and is using blogger.
+Karen-dw: Write Karen about the way to use Dreamweaver to see the set she's working on.
+Girlie: Subdomain question
+Stacy: MT question.
+cc quote: Get more information from Cherilyn to write a quote.
+Shannon: Email Shannon about client email
+trk: dara: send dara info needed to set up on TRK and set up.
+ write Jenn: Scripty hack [just email]
+catherine calendar: Calendar ideas for Catherine?
+Jara survey: Reply to Jara about web design survey.
+cori: Check out cori's comments.
+ zuly photoshop: write Zuly with photoshop stuff. [just email]
+ GNC: followup: Write Todd back [just email]
+ write Jenn: Scripty hack [just email]
+ zuly photoshop: write Zuly with photoshop stuff. [just email]
+ GNC: followup: Write Todd back [just email]