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notes to do

There’s a lot that I need to catch up on, but I had some that I really wanted to accomplish so I’m writing them down smile If anybody has any suggestions for anything I’m working on, I’m always glad to hear smile

  • Search for Nursing Job Search sites and email Megan. (she wants to work in the Portland/Vancouver area, but isn’t quite sure where to find out about jobs, except for going to the hospitals and applying. She’s a CNA.) check
  • Finish updates for mt-plugins and send out notification. Try to find time to answer newest comments. check
  • Email. mail Reply to LOTs of email! check - did some to start with smile
  • Blogstyles - add new templates?
  • Write up for suite in beta for posting.
  • Post about mothers day candles here smile check
  • Write down last weeks exercise stuff and start fresh with clean dry-erase board for this week. check
There’s a lot more, but this is a start. Time to take a little nap now before I get into it all. smile


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» did lots from kadyellebee
I did a pretty good job on my list today. I stayed on track and got stuff done instead of [Read More]


Busy girl over there! smile

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