The over-organizing of a crazy Kristine.
- Computer inspired: fonts with a computerized feel.
- pixels: Pixel fonts, with the intent of working well at small sizes. Work excellently for small menus and accent text.
- DD PetitLove_08Alp
- GoGo Dinc!Type
- MassiveBlur
- Oh La La Core
- Pixelette Core
- pixelate
- SF Intermosaic ShyFonts
- Small Talk series
- So series
- Teachers Pet Sans Serif
- Zelda DX TT -BRK- Aenigma Fonts
- spacey: Straight out of the space age.
- pixels: My favorite pixel font.
- buttons: Shapes of buttons.
- dividers and borders: Shapes which work well as repeating patterns or lined dividers.
- Absinth Flourishes I and II
- AfrikaBorders
- Bordz
- Boxed In JustKissMe
- BRFrames
- Corners 1 and 2
- DecoBorders
- DecoDividers
- Design 1-6
- Dividers
- Dizzinz CornersRegular
- Dizzinz DividersRegular
- Folk Art Dividers
- Line Dings Aenigma Fonts
- flowerys: Shapes of flowers or similarly flowy icons
- Americana
- Americana Two
- ArtDeco
- ArtNouveau 1 and 2
- Botanical
- Fleurons A
- FloraDings
- Florals1 Font Freak
- Flower Ornaments Font Freak
- Roses! Roses!
- font accessories: When a font has some specialty icon sets to match it, it goes here.
- food: Shapes of food or drinks.
- Bon Apetit MT
- Counterscraps
- Culinary Art GemFonts
- Drinks Various GemFonts
- Paradise's Fruits
- games: Shapes inspired by games
- Chess Kingdom
- Chess Miscel
- christmas
- Angel'Os 1
- Carr Xmas Dingbats
- WWFlakes
- XmasDings
- valentines
- setframes: Fonts that would work well at large sizes for an interface.
- single topics: If the whole font is one theme, it fits here.
- symbols: Symbol shapes like Webdings.
- Christian Crosses III
- CommercialPi
- Monotype Sorts
- Roman Catholic
- 4th
- Americana
- bm kirakira
- Bodie MF Flag
- Bunting 2 Normal
- Independence
- Patriot
- StarryFHope
- Stars&Stripes Regular
- YoungStar
- christmas
- Bonnet
- Brrrr Regular
- Chilled Regular
- DLTreeCaps
- Frosty Fontalicious
- IglooLaser
- Kringle Regular
- Sapin Normal
- CK Snowman
- valentines
- All Hearts
- Djellibejbi Fontomen
- heartfont
- HeartMatrixed
- mashy Valentine
- inside letters: Fonts with shapes inside of them.
- Accent Cookie Dough
- BuzzBuzzBuzz
- Chick Fontalicious
- Dungeon Blocks Filled
- EyeOnlyHaveEyesForYou PizzaDude
- Floralies
- Smiley Font
- objects: Objects with fonts in them.
- Ampoule Heavy
- Australia Fair
- Balloons Normal
- Bat Ben
- BowlORama Font Diner
- BulletHolz
- Canadian Autumn
- Candy Bits BT
- CanGoods
- CarTown
- Dinosaur Stomp
- Ennobled Pet Larabie Fonts
- Fanfold
- FilmStar
- Flying Penguin
- HourPhoto
- Startone Dinc!Type
- Stereolab Blue Vinyl Fonts
- odd: Unexplainably odd dingfonts.
- Baby Jeepers
- Boron Regular
- CraftsmanSCapsSSK
- Frazzed GreyWolf
- Martini Olive
- Agatha
- Aspen Plain
- Avatar
- Beauvoir Demo Scriptorium
- Bienville Scriptorium
- Bookwoman Swash Demi SH
- ChasThirdSH
- Crinoline SSK
- Currency Regular
- Daresiel Demo Scriptorium
- Dorchester
- Elphinstone Scriptorium
- Fortunaschwein
- Gaiseric Demo Scriptorium
- Gessele David Rakowski
- GF Gesetz
- Gloriana Scriptorium
- Greco Deco
- Gummy Fuel Fonts
- Harrington
- Helena
- Julia Script
- Juliet Regular De Nada Fonts
- Lansbury
- Lydian series
- Marigold
- Mason
- Matura MT Script Capitals
- Memo Script SSi
- Monotype Corsiva
- Pharmacy
- Spirit Medium Blambot Fonts
- Storybook
- Terra series
- Theatre Antoine
- Watson
- Willow
- Yataghan
- black letter: Old lettering, usually inspired by manuscripts.
- AngstBlackLetterBlack Angst Font Factory
- Beckett Regular
- Black Castle MF
- Black Regular
- Black Chancery
- Bliss Normal
- Canterbury
- ClerestorySSK
- Cloister_Black-Light
- Danby
- Dukeplus
- Egmont
- Kelly Ann Gothic De Nada Fonts
- LaserLondon
- Magdeburg! Scriptorium
- Old English
- Paganini Regular
Paganini --- A Mendoza - available at
- brush stroke: Letters that look like they've been sketched out with a dry or wet brush.
- Arslannian
- Benguiat Frisky
- BlueVelvet
- BrightonBold
- BrushScript
- Brushstroke Plain
- Cage
- Challenge Extra Bold
- DS BroadBrush
- Fall River
- FeltMark Italic
- FemmeFatale Dinc! Type
- Inkburrow
- Juliet Regular De Nada Fonts
- Orange Fizz Blambot Fonts
- Reindeer SF
Inkburrow --- UddiUddi Fonts - available at
- calligraphy: Traditional Calligraphy lettering.
- caps: Fonts made up of all fancy capital letters.
- Ruritania Paul Lloyd Fonts
- diner and 50s fonts: Retro fonts that would fit in a diner or 50s theme.
- Airfoil Script SSi
- Alison
- AllureScript
- Amaze and bold
- Belphebe Scriptorium
- Black Rose
- Blackadder ITC
- Brochure
- Cabarga Cursiva LET
- Celebrity
- Charme
- Cortland
- Dahrlin Regular
- Duchess
- Elegans Script SSi
- Esperanza Scriptorium
- FestivalFlourish and bold
- Figaro Script Scriptorium
- Fiorenza II Scriptorium
- Ganzo BT
- Inkburrow
- Invitation Regular
- LadyLiberty
- Liberty BT
- Lyonesse Scriptorium
- Marguerita LET Plain
- Miss Brooks De Nada Fonts
- Oberon LET Plain
- Pristina
- Quill Paul Lloyd Fonts
- Scriptina Apostrophic Lab
- Swirlity and bold
- Vivacious Regular
- aristocatlike: Fonts inspired by Aristocrat.
- Adorable
- Ariston
- Boyarsky Bold Italic
- CommScriptTT
- Eagan Fontosaurus
- Excellence
- Gardenia
- Grimpar Regular
Adorable --- MicroLogic available at
- muriel tall: Fonts inspired by Murial, or taller formal fonts
- smallandstraight: Fonts inspired by Coronet or other straight formal fonts.
- Coronet
- GE ElegantScript GraphXEdge
- Ohio Script
- Palace Script MT
- wedding favs: The best fonts that I picked from for my wedding invitations.
- Bickley Script LET
- Champagne
- ChaseCallasSH
- ChopinScript
- Cotillion Regular
- Daresial Demo Scriptorium
- EdwardEdwin and bold
- Edwardian Script ITC
- Elegance
- English
- Estranged2
- Exmouth
- Jacoba Bold
- Larissa
- Magik
- Majestic Bold
- Mossbacker
- Regency
- SaffronToo
- Senator
- WeddingScript Bail
- irish: Celtic or unical lettering.
Carolingia --- David Boyd available at
- lined fonts: Fancy lined lettering.
- Algiers
- Atlantic Inline-Normal
- Caslon Openface BT
- intimacy and deux Emerald City Fontwerks
- Kastellar Wd
- Metroliner Regular
- Socrates
- sweet grunge: Grunge fonts, but with more style and class.
- boycaps: Boys tend to write in fast, capital letters.
- Bigtime
- Bikly Bold
- BillBold
- DJ Bassoon
- Edible Pet II
- Fanboy Hardcore series Blambot
- Groening Plain
- Kid Kosmic series Blambot
- Leonel
- LetterOMatic! Blambot
- Manga Template series Blambot
- Megalomaniax KG
- Mighty Zeo series Blambot
- Scribble Regular
- Walt Disney Script
- girly: Girls tend to write with curlies and hearts.
- A T & Love
- AmbersHand
- Angelica
- Angelina
- Ashley
- Bang LET Plain
- Barbara Hand
- BethHand Regular
- BettysHand Regular
- Bitchin
- CAC Pinafore
- Cafe Regular
- Caffe Latte
- Cecily
- Cheryl Font Garden
- Crushed Out Girl Pen and Sharpie
- CryptScript
- Curly Coryphaeus
- Curlz MT
- Danzin Regular
- Dingle Berries
- DJ Fancy, Frilly, and Twirl
- Dr. Eve L
- Eye Rhyme
- Fairytale
- Flounder
- Frilly
- Gigi
- Girls are Weird Robot Johnny
- Janet Regular
- KissMeKissMeKissMe
- LibbyScript
- Lickcurl Petite GemFonts
- Michelle Font Garden
- Miss Brooks De Nada Fonts
- moonpie a la monde
- Penstyle
- Saginaw seriebs
- Schnookums Font Diner
- Sophia
- Spahrty Girl Omega Font Lab
- Virginie
- mexican party: When you need a party font, some of the best fonts are a bit mexican looking.
- BeteNoirA
- Burrito Regular
- BurweedCG Thorny
- Chili Pepper
- Chorizo and italic
- Circus
- Copacabana and medium
- DaddyOJunkie
- DJ Salsa
- El Rio Lobo
- Elastic Wrath
- Freak
- GE Fiesta Marquee GraphXEdge
- Goofball
- Jokerman
- Krisfly
- Lambada LET Plain
- Loony
- Maraca series
- Party
- Poptics Three
- Salsa Two
- Taco Salad
- Tijuana Medium
- Tuscarora
- Whimsy ICG
- nice boygirl fonts: Unisex handwriting.
- school days: How kids write, or how kids should write.
Eraser Dust --- by David Rakowski available at
Type Oasis
- There are hundreds of fonts in this folder!
- Game Inspired: Computer or console game inspired fonts.
- Language Inspired: Inspired by a language or a language script.
- Fuzzy and Raggedy: Blurred fonts that make you think you forgot your glasses
- comicdotted: Inspired by Comic Sans.
- Chinacat and thin
- Desiree's Cool Dots
- DJ Chunky
- Drummon series
- Eloquence
- International Playboy
- Sleepwalk
- nicer: Basic fonts that are just a bit nicer or classier.
Mordred --- by Paul Reid available at
- outline: Bordered lettering.
- Agent Orange
- Alfredo Heavy Hallow series
- AmphionOutline Regular
- Army Hollow series
- Baubau
- Blaster
- BlippoBlaOutP
- Callistroke
- Dill
- Green Babe
- Highlight LET Plain
- Indigo Joker The Shaft
- JuneBug
- Witchcraft Normal Typearound
- Gordon
- 20th Century Font
- 7 days series
- Abadi MT Condesned Light
- Abbey-Medium series
- Abbieshire
- Alternate Gothic No.2 BT
- BennieGoetheSH
- BlacklightD
- BlueMelody
- Chicago
- Chicane and Italic
- Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed
- Goudy Sans Light BT
- Graphite Light
- HalseyLightCondSSK
- Havnel
- Inn
- Lucida Casual and italic
- Mordred Paul Reid
- Napapiiri
- National First Font
- National Primary
- Noir-et-Blanc and bold
- Opticon One
- Phosphorus series Apostrophic Labs
- Sailor
- Zapf Humanist 601 and bold
- circulatica
- Asenine series Apostrophic Labs
- AvantGarde-Book Wd
- Certified and italic
- Decker series
- Howie's_Funhouse
- KabelPlain and KaratMedium Regular Rubicon
- MammaGamma PizzaDude
- moderna
- Sanlite
- Seraphic Organism
- Tschich series
- WeezerFont
- Y2K Neophyte and italic
- Zachary
- mondalistica
- squaralica
- univeralica
- Antique-olives
- Brassfield
- Coolvetica Larabie Fonts
- Dallas
- FolioTEE
- Frutiger-Normal
- Futura series
- Lockwood
- Lynx DP Fonts
- Mermaid
- MinimaSSK
- Slicker
- Sulley
- Sveningsson
- Univers-Black
- courieresque: Inspired by Courier, these are monotype or fixed width fonts.
- Anonymous
- Bennington
- Patrika-Normal
- Stalker
- TiredOfCourier series
- garamondesque: Inspired by Garamond.
- Bernadette series
- Boswell Scriptorium
- Bulmer BT
- Calligraphic 810 BT
- Canterbury Script
- Classical Garamond BT
- skinny and straight: Very skinny and talllettering.
Blackadderll by Bruce Marx available at
- $Five Double Zero Larabie Fonts
- Ad Lib BT
- AllStar BV Blue Vinyl Fonts
- An ode to noone PizzaDude
- Arcade I, N, R
- BibiNehruSH
- Black Wolf
- Blinddate A
- BlippoObl-Heavy
- Bobcaygeon -BRK- Aenigma Fonts
- Bored Robots KG
- BrideOfTheMonster and stencil
- Brock Bold
- Cairo
- Cancer
- Casual Regular
- Chick
- Circus Regular
- Clarendon Black
- Collos Black
- D3 series
- Datcotheque Regular
- Defactica
- Delavan
- Derby
- Devandra
- Ding Dong Bold and DaddyO
- DirtyClutch
- DiscoMonkey FuelFonts
- Disney Comic
- Dromon Scriptorium
- Eight Track and program two Fontalicious
- Eighth Ball
- Electric Boots PizzaDude
- Fabulous
- Faktos
- FrankFont Extended
- Fully Completely (BRK) Aenigma Fonts
- Gardenparty
- Glamour Girl PizzaDude
- Godzilla
- HMan Pt 2
- James Eight Eleven
- Jedi Hollow and Solid
- LargoD
- Lithograph and extended
- Lizzie
- MadScientist PizzaDude
- Magnum Fontalicious
- NeverSayDie PizzaDude
- OMEGA Boldo Rocko
- Pachyderm
- Poster Bodini Bold
- RedFive
- Running With Scissors
- Rustproof Body Larabie Fonts
- Saloon
- Shoplifters unite PizzaDude
- SkaterDude PizzaDude
- Sophachrome and italic Larabie Fonts
- Soopafresh Fuel Fonts
- SuperHawgA
- Vagabond Regular
- WillyWonka
- WoodenNickelBlack
- Yikes!
- Young at heart PizzaDude
- Zaleski David Rakowski
- Zombie Rotodesign
- broad: Fonts inpired by Broadway.
- Miami Nights
- Betty Noir Blambot
- Brasenga Normal and Engraved
- Bravado Regular
- Broad Avenue
- Butner Bold
- GLitzy
- Gonzo
- Guanine Larabie Fonts
- Karissa Regular
- MiltonBurlesque
- Ouijadork Larabie Fonts
- Spotlight Plain
- round: Round like a bowl full of jelly.
- favorite love-production fonts: fonts I've considered using on personal designs
- Oberon LET
- FZHand
- AvantGuarde book
- Bastard
- Bickley Script LET
- Blacklight D
- CAC Shishoni Brush
- Cage
- Carpenter
- Champagne
- Diamond Dreams
- Eloquenc
- Freehand575
- Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold
- Inn Regular
- Kristin
- Libel Suit Larabie Fonts
- Loki Cola
- Lynx
- Millenium SF series ShyFonts
- Mordred series Paul Reid
- Pretty Baby Dinc!Type
- Regency
- Saginaw Light, Medium, and Bold
- Surfer Normal
- Texas Hero
- installed fonts: fonts I use so regularly I keep them installed.
What is this? This is how I organize my fonts. I have a font directory on my C drive, and the below folder structure is inside of it. I use FontLister (icon on sidebar), which lets me open a folder to temporarily install the fonts for me to go through and see which one I need to use at any given time. This works better for me than having all of my fonts installed, since there are thousands of them! I made some images for examples of many of the categories, mainly because I love playing with images, and it was a good way to illustrate the folder names.
How do you have so many fonts? I've been collecting fonts since 1994. Over the years, I've lost some of my collection, but keep trying to sort my old zip files and archive font sites to find all of my old favorites. I have many more than I have listed here, as there are several folders I didn't list, and whole folders full of zip files waiting to be sorted.
Can you send me [this font]? I'm sorry, no. But for your convenience, I've put links next to all of the fonts from major foundries. See, some of these are fonts I've purchased in packages, and others are fonts from programs I own. So that means you'd need to buy any of the ones that are commercial fonts, and I don't have the time to do the research to point you in the right direction to make the payments!
Why don't you have links to the creator for all of the fonts? Unfortunately, I didn't keep very good track of all of my readme files, and a lot of my fonts don't even have an author specified in the .ttf file. So I've had to do some searching to even find the ones that I have listed! But the links on the sidebar are great, and you might find what you want there. I also frequently use Google to search for the fonts, and if its out there, Google should find it.
How did you pick the foundries that you listed? Each of the foundries I picked are ones that I have used or purchased fonts from myself. A few may have popup ads, but for the most part, these are some of the top foundries in my eyes. Same goes for the collection sites - these are the places I go when I'm looking for new or old fonts. They are the best of the best, rather than just a free-for-all link-fest on my sidebar!
How do I work this? Click on any heading with a
button next to it to open it. Click on the
button to close the section.
Who are you? Well, thanks for asking! I'm Kristine of and kadyellebee, among other places, and I did this listing purely for fun. (And for my favorite GeekGrrl who wanted some font links!) I've always wanted to put something like this together so that other people could see how I organize my fonts.