The big news about Vox!
By now, you may have heard about Six Apart’s newest venture going live. What was originally called Project Comet is now broken ground as Vox earlier this week.
This is very exciting to me. Why you may ask? I can finally mention what I am working on! For the last many months, I’ve been working on Vox. Getting ready for visitors, you see! It’s been a lot of work by a lot of people, and I’m so proud to see visitors finally in here checking it out.
My Vox blog is at I’m sure that at some point, I’ll intergrate some of that here, or at least link to it from the header. I’m having a fun time using it because it combines so many things all in one place. AND it’s a place that I can share what I want with who I want, so it’s even going to be somewhere I can point my mom to without being bashful about stuff here on kadyellebee. VERY nice, for sure.
Any chance on an invite?
Posted by: missakins
June 4, 2006 07:51 PM
I’d love an invite, too. I can’t wait 'til Vox goes public.
Posted by: Marie | June 5, 2006 07:04 PM
And you’ve kicked mucho behind too, everything looks amazing over there.
Posted by: Carla | June 6, 2006 12:13 AM
I’d LOVE an invite - any chance
Posted by: sanzu | July 8, 2006 10:55 AM