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buffy season quiz

Oh, this is one of my fav quizzes I’ve taken lately. smile

Season Three - A lot of people say that you’re the best, and who could really argue - you’re pretty, witty, and you’ve got one of Buffy’s best adversaries: the Mayor. Pound for pound, you’re why so many people love Buffy.

Which Season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

And its usually the season I call my favorite - or at least, it contains some of my favorite all time episodes like Doppelgangland. smile Tee hee!

season 03


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» Buffy Season Quiz from Life in the Zu
Season Five - You're about growing up, and you'reprobably the most mature of the bunch; afterall, you've got Buffy giving up her own life tostop uber-tramp Glory. Your best episode is"the Body," which explores theprocess of grief by breaking TV convent... [Read More]


i’m season 4!

season 05
Season Five - You’re about growing up, and you’re
probably the most mature of the bunch; after
all, you’ve got Buffy giving up her own life to
stop uber-tramp Glory. Your best episode is
"the Body," which explores the
process of grief by breaking TV conventions of
sound design.

tv I dunno about that. . .laughing