open type fonts
Since I knew nothing about Open Type fonts, I read an article linked from About Desktop Publishing. OpenType Fonts. The gist of the story?
Should you rush out and get all new OpenType fonts? If cross-platform compatibility or multilingual typography are critical to your work and you use applications that take advantage of the advanced features, you may want to move to OpenType sooner rather than later. For the rest of us, there’s no great rush. It’s also important to find out if your commercial printer will support OpenType fonts.
Okay, so I’m probably good with my TTF’s for now.

Thanks for that link. I’d been won dering about the OTFs, but couldn’t really find any info.
Posted by: Sara | August 11, 2003 05:02 AM
I think as of right now, Adobe InDesign is the only program that supports them... but the good news for Mac users is that in OS X there’s support for WindowsTTF’s. So no more font worries!
Posted by: Tam | August 11, 2003 10:31 AM