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!echo and textile2

Even though I’m not sure I understand it all, I’ve been keeping an eye on the (n)echo proposals for a new syndication standard. The Echo Project. I enjoyed reading RSS, Echo, Wikis, and Personality Wars because it illustrated on perfect a wiki is for this collaboration.
The weblog world has taken the 4 elements of organization from mailing lists and usenet—overall topic, time of post, post title, author—and rearranged them in order of importance as author, time, and title, dispensing with topics altogether.
After working on our Wiki for Movable Type, I was even more interested in this article. The reasons why a wiki are so good for this kind of project are some of the same reasons that I like the format for a Movable Type FAQ. smile
[seen at Dive Into Mark]
In other news, Textile 2’s spec is on its way - I really should be using the textile plugin (which Brad has a new beta out with the new Textile 2 specs) to write my posts because I like the shortcuts. smile


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I’m curious, have you ever heard of Everything2? It’s kind of like a Wiki, and you might be interested in it. I’ve been participating there for a couple of years.

I can’t bring myself to use Textile...I’m too used to doing it all myself!


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