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Time for Christmas?

Christine asks:

"Speaking of Christmas - the annual debate is here: when is the right time to put up the Christmas tree? Feel free to leave your feedback on this - I would love to know what you think!"

It didn’t really hit me that it was even close to time to put the tree up until last night. We saw Christmas lights on our way home, and I was totally stunned. Wow, we can put our tree together and start decorating! woo!

So Ch? I’d say anytime after now. It’ll be december in a few days, so technically, you could wait till then, but why not get started this weekend? Well, I suppose if you live somewhere hotter where you’d worry about your tree dying before Christmas, maybe next weekend is better. We got a fake tree last year, so that’s not so much of a worry!

When are you gonna do it? smile


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Time for Christmas?:

» Tree Time from Broken Down
I went out to Walmart today with my little sister and brother (big mistake to take kids to that place) [Read More]

» The Tree Is Up from David Raynes
Well, we got the tree yesterday and put it up. Then we attacked it with the ornaments tonight after [Read More]


My wife would put up the tree on Jan 1st if I would let her. She loves this time of year.
Personally, I try to hold her off till the day after Thanksgiving at least, but since I am offshore I think she starts putting it up the day I leave smile I KNOW she was putting out all her Christmas Knick-Knacks before I left..

Mine is a fake tree - and actually, they dry out faster up north where you guys are forced to blast your heat for so long. We don’t have to worry about that down here! However, I leave mine up until January 6th (Epiphany) so I don’t like to put it up this early. 5 weeks of a tree in the way is too much! I think the lights will go up on the patio this weekend and some decorations might come out - but the tree itself is waiting until next Sunday.

I need to price trees out because I have no concept of what one actually costs. And I have only 1 ornament from the exchange since this will be my first tree. I’m excited, I may do it this weekend smile

We usually put ours up this weekend, the Saturday and Sunday after Christmas. I’m SOOOOOOO psyched to get all of that done! smile

Traditionally we put up the tree the second week of December. I dunno why.. cause my mom did I guess.

We put ours up yesterday right after dinner...first time for that, usually it’s the 2nd week of December. We have had a fake tree each year since we got married, I bought a new one last year, pre-lit, wooooohooooooo it’s so pretty and easy to put together! We’ll do the outside lights probably next weekend. smile

We’re hopefully putting ours up Sunday (IF we can find a topper for the tree..i.e. an angel/star). We usually put the outside decorations up at the same time. Wish the neighbors would totally forget about putting theirs up...tacky !!

Speaking from the tropics, it’s always too hot to put up a real tree (not to mention rather cost-ineffective.) I’m rather miffed with that, but it’s all right since I don’t really celebrate the full-monty Christmas anyway. smile

We just put our tree up today (a fake one) and the rest of the indoor Christmas decorations. I’m a Christmas freak though so mine always go up this early. =)

I tend to put mine up some time around the 15th. We always have a fresh tree, and they seem to stay fresh and fragrant for about 2 weeks. That gives me time to enjoy it and not have a dried up fire hazzard when I take it down on January 2nd. smile

I’m with Kim—we put ours up around the 15th, because we get a fresh one. Indoor lights go up whenever Seymour gets around to it—they were supposed to be up the day after Thanksgiving, but he only put one strand up. Now he tells me he has a "lighting plan" and that’s the delay. I have a feeling it’s going to be a little like Chevy Chase... save me from my husband.