make what you want
Can you make what you want to out of your job?
My dad said something to that effect to Annette yesterday when she was being a bit negative about what she was doing, and I tended to agree.
Maybe its not so much the tasks you are doing, but the attitude with which you do them. Even calling the most dreaded client doesn’t seem so bad when you smile first. I guess that if you have to call that client every day, it would be a low point in the day, but there have GOT to be other reasons to smile. Otherwise, why work in the job?
I know that when I come to work tired and sad, it reflects in my work. This week has been hard because of that. I’m not saying that I’m optimistic all the time. I’m just saying that it seems like if you want to enjoy your job, its something that you conciously can decide.
Such deep thoughts for a friday morning... when I went back to bed for the last hour of sleep, this was what went through my head!
You are *so* right about that! A bit of positive attitude will take you a long way!
Posted by: Christine | April 20, 2002 10:37 AM