I came home at noon and made myself some lunch. I started rereading my Washingtons Drivers guide, and watched a makeover story out of the corner of my eye. I played a little bit of atomica while I tried to get ahold of my sister.
I finally talked to Megan and told her my brainstorm for dinner tonight. We decided to take naps and then once the girls were home from school, we’d get together. I climbed into bed and didn’t wake up until 2 hours later when she called me! Woo hoo, I got a nice long nap!!!
We are gonna do Fried Chicken Soup tonight - YUMMmmmmm..... So I did a fast cleaning of the kitchen, and now I’m straightening up a teeny bit upstairs before we go to get the rest of the ingredients (I have chicken broth and that’s about it ;) )
Happy friday evening! When I come back later, I’ll post the real friday five and surf my blogs!!!