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Friday Five: 092101

Dawn had a great idea for today - do the first friday five since Heather is dealing with server issues.

My first friday five was October 12, 2001. So I did miss out on the first few weeks of it.

So this is the first friday five

  1. Where were you born (city or state or just country)? Kalamazoo, Michigan. Yes, there really is a Kalamzoo ;)
  2. What is your favorite number? 7 smile
  3. Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate smile
  4. What section of a bookstore would I find you in? Romance, historical romance, christian fiction, computer manuals, decorating stuff, game manuals... basically, I love the whole bookstore!!!
  5. What kind of mattress do you have on your bed? soft? firm? water? soft and squishy. With nice fluffy pillows smile


Oh boy! Here’s my silly little answers:

1. United States of America, baby!
2. lucky number 7
3. vanilla
4. i’m running all over the store!
5. soft and firm

Hey, I’m happy to see you have K’s Choice in your music section! They aren’t too well known around here!

1. Ann Arbor
2. 7
3. Vanilla
4. Fiction, Romance, Humor, or Children’s
5. Awful - with springs poking me all the time!

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