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tech tv

OH MY GOD!!!!!

Robyn just emailed me to tell me the news - "Movable Type is about to be featured live on the Screen Savers. "

AND "They mentioned The Red Kitchen! Go Kristine! "

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! If I hear more details, I’ll share. WOW!!!!
[about MT]


I saw it too! So cool Kristine!

OMG that is awesome!!!! I missed the show though.. the xbox has taken over the tv or else it would have been on!.. Congrats!!!

I saw it! Very cool, you rock babe!!

I saw it! I saw it! YOU ROCK!!!

Yay! Go Kristine! Who'da thunk it when The Kitchen started last year? You’ve come a long way, baby! smile


That is stellar, Kristine! Congrats!