It sure makes me feel better when I don’t have unfinished projects hanging over my head... even when they are little things.
I added a few recipes on monday to theredkitchen, and got two more cooks set up today!!! I’m thinking about setting up a weekly/monthly focus question for the cooks to encourage more conversation. So I’m outlining that idea.
blogplates had some actual sites in the ring queue (I get a lot of foreign blogs that sign up for everything blog-related), so I processed those
and wedblog had some checking to its sites needed (since I noticed Erica signed up, it reminded me!
Now I’d really like to make some new v-day graphics sets I keep waking up with ideas, but haven’t had the time. I’ll see what inspiration I get when I open up PS
you’ve got a bunch of cool projects going there!
Posted by: Kristen | February 6, 2002 05:51 PM
Thank you so much for inviting me—I’m so excited about it!
Posted by: Robyn | February 7, 2002 01:22 PM