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angel song

I heard a song in the car on our way to dinner this weekend, and jsut loved it. So I’ve been trying to figure out what it was all week, and I finally thought to check the ccm page for some christmas albums. They listed Jaci Velasquez’s Christmas, which I thought I’d downloaded some of the songs from, but I missed Angel Song - that’s it!

Wanna listen? The Angel Song (You may have to right click on the link and select Save Target as... to get it to save)
Anybody who likes Breath of Heaven probably would like this one smile

The Angel Song
In the chill of the night
While the moon gently sleeps
I wander in silene on snow-laden streets
As I gaze into sunsets over silhouette mountains
I am amazed that the God who made all this, made me
As my eyes were opened I began to believe
The mystery of Christmas was truly revealed
A great host of angels came calling to me
Taking me back to the pure sacred peace
Singing la, la, lalalala, lalalalalala
There’s a savior born to us today
Singing la, la, lalalala, lalalalalala
The Messiah, Christ is Lord
In the light of the angels surrounding my soul
I know for certain I’m never alone
Now let all of your children feel the love that you gave
And in honor of you give it away


Thank you! I somehow missed the original post, and was just telling a friend last week that’s one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs (along with Grown-Up Christmas List which I just blogged about yesterday), and made a copy of the CD for her. The music with "Breath of Heaven" almost paralyzes you as you listen...

Well this song along with Breath of Heaven I have now and will listen to often. They are just awesome. Thank you so much for sharing and allowing me to dowload them. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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