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mexico and lisa

Well, not only do I need to find tickets for my Christmas trip, my mom just came in with an urgent request that I look for some tickets for Lisa. Good thing Locatis Leather wants to pay me to search for flights, huh?! Her ticket fell through for her Mexico trip (she’s going with the church group to help build a church), and so instead of having a $40 ticket, I had to see what she’d have to pay to get on the same flight now. The verdict? $303 to be on the same flight. $232.85 to be on the same flight there, different flight back.

So here’s where I searched so I can search for my flight later on. travelocity, expedia, orbitz, one travel, and alaska airlines.

We’ll see if Lis can still go. The church gave her money to cover the rest of her expenses. But now she’d need to come up with at least 250 for a plane ticket in addition.


you should set up a paypal account...i’d donate 5 or 10 towards the cause...

she’s going to build a CHURCH for crying out loud!! smile

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