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early and sleepy!

why is it that coming in an hour earlier leaves me so much more tired? I have a much harder time waking up; even though on the late mornings, I’m up not that much later. So I’m sitting here yawning, listening to happy music, here almost all alone at work for another half an hour smile I just heard Spring Haze, and now its Tonight and the Rest of my Life. Happy music smile

I’m looking over Alice’s tupperware catalog. I’m definitely going to get the Jeweltone Classics Set because its such a good deal - only $25 with a $40 order! And its got a lot of stuff in it smile I also really like the 4 bowl set - its got 4 1-cup bowls and it looks so pretty ($20). These jeweltones they are doing are so appealing to me. Some of my very fav colors all together. And then I really want some plastic cups. My mom has always had tupperware cups, and I have almost all glass glasses, and I hate carrying them upstairs to drink out of. SOOOooo, I’m thinking about the Jeweltone glasses. ($23) If I was rich (and so I could have a matching set of plastic plates and cups), I’d get the luncheon plates ($14) on that same page. I don’t need them though, we have Hercules plates from McDonalds ;) And then they have the big giant 26cup bowl for $5 when you go to a party (emerald seal), and Alice thinks we can still get it from her party smile So yep, I’m spending a bunch of money, but its well worth it for what I’m getting. I’m excited.

Well, my computer is all backed up now, and so I’m back to my to do list from yesterday. I’m hoping to finish it today so its not hanging over me tomorrow. Cuz tomorrow is wednesday smile

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