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New CD! Tara MacLean

I got a new CD!! Passenger by Tara MacLean. What a wonderful addition to my wonderful-women CDs smile She’ll take a place on my shelf next to Sarah, Natalie, Dido, more Sarah *g*, (along with the ones I want to get to put with them - Chantal Kreviazuk, Joydrop, K’s Choice

I already loved Divided, but I also love Jerico, If I Fall, Poor Boy, and most of the rest of the CD! Yea for new music! (When I bought Meg’s CDs for her grad present, I saw that it was on sale and bought it for myself. I’m silly, treating myself, but I really wanted it!! and it was only 9.97!!!) smile


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oooh girl.. you MUST see her live.. she’s even better! Do you have her first album "Silence"?

Silence is darker than Passenger but alie is right you *must* see her live!

Ooooh... yes yes see her live, and if you can d/l some of her live stuff. (esp. 'Red', hehe).. too bad she’s not touring right now.

Oh wow, you guys all love her! She’s on the same record company as Sarah, right? Is that how all of you fumbler girls have seen her? So cool! smile I don’t have Silence; I got Passenger since I had heard Divided and loved it smile

Yeah, she’s a Nettwerk artist too.. Yay Tara! smile

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