
December 06, 2004

Decorating [08:08 PM]

I'm working on decorating my house. Not only for Christmas, but just getting things pretty in the house in general because my In-laws are coming for E's birthday in a few weekends. So of course, I put a lot of expectations on myself, wanting pictures on the walls and everything in its place. :D

I have two walls now with pictures on them, bathroom mats and towels that match in several places, and our house is really looking nice. We even have a blow-up matress for the guest bedroom, so that legitmately makes it a guest bedroom and not just the "extra box storage room with the extra couch and TV :tv: ." ;-)

Christmas decorations are fun in a new house; I got in a rut of doing the same thing for several years in a row in the last place, so its fun to start some new traditions. We got new Christmas tree ornaments and lights (pearlized button ones from Target that were pretty) and it took no less than 4 tries to get the lights on the tree.

  1. First, I started putting them on and ran out of lights before I ran out of tree.
  2. Then I put them up and they looked too sparse. We decided to wait and get a 3rd strand
  3. Got the first 2 strands back on and looking pretty and plugged in the new third strand and only half of them worked, dispite E's playing to try and get the little metal leads in the first light spot to not be crooked as they were out of the box.
  4. One more try, with only 2 strands, to try and make it not look sparce and not make E have to go and get another set. not bad.

Of course, when I do that, my hands and arms get all poked up - can you imagine how it works after 4 times? :D

Next big job is to figure out how to get the lights around the door outside to work. We have a plugin outside for the first time, and so I want them around the door, but it will require drilling some holes in the door frame to mount some little hookies to attach them with!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! :musica:

My to do list is actually getting crossed off :check: from the busy weekend of work, and that's really a relief. And in between that, we even started our Christmas shopping, so I have a good idea for almost everyone on the list, and some more ordering to do - I think that most everything else will be shipped, but I want it all in process by the 15th. Woo!

I don't think I'm gonna get to my pretty faux treatement I want to do on the small wall downstairs. I was hoping, but now with one more trip planned between now and then, I think I'll just concentrate on the things I know are important. One ugly wall left over from the last people isn't enough to stress about. I *do* have the paint now, though, so it won't be left too long after Christmas!

Lisa said:

Putting together a new place can be so much fun. I can't wait until you post pictures again!

Daphne said:

Good for you -I'm trying to convince myself that decorating really will be worth the effot after the fact but it's taking a lot of work.

Jennifer said:

SO happy to hear things are coming together, even it if *is* trial and error. :smile:

While I'm here, I thought I'd mention something - smileys aren't being parsed in your rss feeds, so I just see random words where the smileys would be. I'm not sure what you'd need to do about it - depends on your setup - but you probably know more about that than me. I just thought I'd mention it! :)

Liz said:

Lisa took the words right out of my mouth... decorating a new home *is* so much fun. :)

Rina said:

LOLOL! The first tree attempt had me giggling. I can so picture that, all your tree troubles.

Thanks for the samples! Mom and I went through and picked out what we're going to buy, but that's going to have to wait until things settle down - I'm starting a job, applying to grad school and getting Christmas things all ready at once!

Christine said:

Oh! It has been so much fun decorating our new house, i know exactly how you fee! Enjoy it! Wheeeee! :heart:

November 24, 2004

Thanksgiving trip [10:35 PM]

Getting ready to go to CA for a long weekend (and Thanksgiving with E's family). Until we get back, you can watch my TypePad moblog for on-the-trip posts and pictures. :)

I've even got a few of Leah from tonight to add to that, she was being a cutie as usual, and DUDE, she walked like 5 steps while we all sat in the livingroom and watched! It was her first real series of steps more than one or two little ones, and we smile and were so excited that Megan and me both had tears! I wish I had caught *that* with my camera!

Have a beautiful thanksgiving to all my friends who celebrate!

Lisa said:

Happy turkey day to you and your family, hon! *hugs*

Meredith said:

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Kristine! I've missed hearing from you lately...you've been quiet! Glad to see you're doing well. :luvya:

zalary said:

:heart: I hope your Turkey Day was wonderful. I've been super blessed this year, so mine was very nice. Love you and still think about (and love) you lots and lots. :kiss:

Carla said:

I'm late but I hope you had a great Turkey day too. I've been missing you too. I was actually thinking of you, Melissa and Brandy and was going to email to see how you guys are. :heart:

November 04, 2004

so busy [10:22 PM]

I've been so busy that I didn't even notice that my delicious links weren't showing up here for the last 5 or so days. Ooops. So if you missed me my links, scroll down a bit and you'll have a few nice days at once. :)

Meredith said:

Eeek, where were they? They've been posting daily for me!

kristine said:

yeah, they've been posting, but there's something wonky on my server that's making 500 errors ALL the freakin' time. It might be my copy of MT has too many posts. It might be that I used all the good graces I had left with the server. I haven't had time to figure it out.

So my delicious links have been posting, but not categorizing or rebuilding. Which makes them not show up here except for the date header.

I've *got* to have more hours in the day. :haha:

November 01, 2004

halloweeny pics [04:10 PM]

I put together a few pictures from Saturday night - Pumpkin Carving 2004... I had to take advantage of TypePad's new Halloween Photo Album Styles!!! :pumpkin:

Can you believe it, though? We had no trick-or-treaters! We live in a really nice condo complex, with kids that are here regularly, and nobody elses porch lights were on after dark, just us. We were *sure* we'd have some this year, so now we have a huge pile of candy. :LOL:

October 25, 2004

dr appt [11:05 PM]

I had my first doctors appointment in a long time where I left and she was happy with me (think 3-4 years).

Lisa said:

That's so fantastic, hon! *hugs* It's nice to hear that you are doing so much better these days.

Christine said:

That is such fabulous news! YEAH!!!

Gina said:

That is such great news, Kristine!!

I've missed you!! :smile:

deliciousness [10:13 PM]

By now, you've probably noticed that my posts have looked a bit different lately. I've had a hard time keeping up with the things I want to share, and the time I've had to share them has been limited... So when I saw :meredith: starting to make posts with delicious, it cried out "copy me!!!" because it was easier than PIE! :)

del.icio.us is a link sharing tool. And they recently opened up a new way of automatically posting your bookmarked links of the day to your Weblog (using Movable Type, TypePad, and maybe Blogger).

You can do this too. By setting up your own del.icio.us account, and then going to http://del.icio.us/settings/USERNAME/daily where you replace USERNAME with your username, it gives you an option to set up your own "thingy" that posts the information to your weblog at a predetermined time. The instructions for each of these thingy controls can be found in a post on the delicious-discuss list: preview: post to an MT blog from delicious.

Now, once you have that set up, you can easily post by snatching one of the del.icio.us bookmarklets or use an extension in FireFox, or FeedDemon to make a fast post. With all these options, its easy to do a quick 30-second addition of something, including description.

Since I already had a category in kdlb-links for my link blog (Express Links), I just made a subcategory of that called delicious so it would easily be added into my blog. This uses a few plugins, Compare and Global Listings, to already put that one category from kdlb-links into kadyellebee. I added some CSS to enhance the listing to my main "basic.css" stylesheet that all skins load up.

When I want to talk about something cool I find, I click my bookmarklet or use whatever delicious tool is closest, and come up with the quickest tags (keywords that I think of when I access this link - usually something like "home improvement" would be written like homeimprovement to keep the spaces separating it from making a new category of home and improvement) and then a speedy comment like I would have in an Express Link. This literally takes no more than a minute, and then whenever delicious checks my bookmarks again, they get posted. No need to open a window of MT to post (my host has had some problems lately and I'm timing out a lot, so that needs my attention when I have time again!), it just does it.

A few things, though... Citations using this are harder because I'd always like to mention where I found it, but there's not a good place for that. So I've been putting a text URL in the commentary like via amanita.net even though it doesn't link back to :meredith: I'll have to do some more looking to see if I can find a better way to do this.

And its not real time, but that doesn't really matter as much - if I really want to share something instantly, I can still make my own post, no biggie.

So yeah, its been a happy week because even though I haven't gotten to blog much, I've been able to share a few quick links that were interesting to me. Yay!

Donna said:

And once again, you come through with exactly what I wanted to do not an hour ago - thanks! :heart:

Meredith said:

Regarding citations - that's exactly why I do them as [via kadyellebee] rather than [via kristine]. I figure that way if somebody wants to get to the original location, they can at least Google the "via" credit! I'm hoping they'll enable some form of HTML or BBCode in del.icio.us, though.

Eeek, I just noticed the overlib popup you've got on my name! :blush: :heart:

Nina said:

Nice little explaination. Is the "out_blog_id" the id of the actual weblog or the blog post?

Christine said:

You can also post to WordPress using the system; it's really easy to do - so once I get del.icio.us figured out, I'll be using that to replace my "Cookie Crumbs"! Wheeeee! :blush: I'll definitely be referencing this to help me figure it all out!

October 19, 2004

girl next door [10:37 PM]

Girl Next Door
Perodically, I come across a little quiz I just *have* to take :D It's made to go along with a book about cooking for a date but the images are fun and the questions made me smile.

I am the Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door is from a small town, a large family, or both. She still has a healthy dose of what people 'round these parts call "family values." ... The defining characteristics of the Girl Next Door are simplicity and tradition.

Take the
"What Kind of Girl Are You?" quiz at CookingToHookup.com

[seen at And Then Some]

Lisa said:

I got her too. :) :flower:

sarah said:

I am a hybrid of: Progressive Girl and Girl Next Door. :-)

October 16, 2004

boobiethon followup [10:09 AM]

Follow up on the The Third Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon for Breast Cancer - Our total raised...drumroll please...was $8696.30. That's over $1650 more than the total take for the 2003 event!.

That's just so awesome! :)

October 15, 2004

feeling old and family house [07:42 PM]

How do you know when you are really old? When your littlest brother turns sixteen. Maaaan, I can't barely believe that!

The kinda sad news to go along with that is that my parents got a notice to vacate their house in 30 days (from the 11th). We moved into this house right around Matthew's 5th birthday (11 years ago). So this was the last birthday party/holiday in the house that has been the most memorable for most of the kids. Hopefully they'll find somewhere they will be happy living, even if they have to move somewhere temporary while they look for something that will work to buy.

Carla said:

No kidding, I feel old when I'm with my little brother and he's 15. We're getting old Kristine. :grin: I'm sorry to hear about your parents situation, that sucks but I hope they find a place they'll come to love even more.

Lisa said:

Sorry to hear about your parents. :( My brother is two years younger than me (and there are just the 2 of us) so I never had the "geez, he's turning X".

Rina said:

I know how you feel - Joshy's going to be 16 in just over a month. GAH!

I can't believe how old Matthew looks! He was just an itty bitty thing in a tux last time I saw him. : )

I'm sorry about your parents house. : ( That's awful. I hope they find a nice place soon! {{HUGS}}

October 10, 2004

commercial song [10:27 PM]

I love it when I see a commercial and *actually* can find out info about it by googling it. :)

Toyota has a commercial right now with a tire that drives around by itself, and there's a beautiful song going on in the background; the singer has a beautiful voice, totally my kind of music.

And so I googled for toyota moving forward commercial song and found one hit wonder's forums, where others mentioned this song. The singer is Kathy FischerFisher and its a song that will be on her album next year.

I'm gonna have to watch for that! :)

edited to fix the spelling mistake on her last name!

Lisa said:

I love her voice. I'm so glad that they'll have something new out soon.

Donna said:

Thanks, Kristine! I just assumed I would never know....:sad:

Matt said:

OMG! your so lucky you skinned your site! Ive been trying and got the basics done today... But I'm trying to get the blog entry tables to match each skin... YOUR SO LUCKY! this si such a headache.... I guess I'm asking if ya know any place that has a simple to follow tut about this? Thanks Alot! I love your site!

Meredith said:

I like What's That Called, too!

(Lucky? For skinning the site? I can't help but be puzzled about why that would be lucky exactly...)

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