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I’m working on decorating my house. Not only for Christmas, but just getting things pretty in the house in general because my In-laws are coming for E’s birthday in a few weekends. So of course, I put a lot of expectations on myself, wanting pictures on the walls and everything in its place. laughing

I have two walls now with pictures on them, bathroom mats and towels that match in several places, and our house is really looking nice. We even have a blow-up matress for the guest bedroom, so that legitmately makes it a guest bedroom and not just the "extra box storage room with the extra couch and TV tv ." wink

Christmas decorations are fun in a new house; I got in a rut of doing the same thing for several years in a row in the last place, so its fun to start some new traditions. We got new Christmas tree ornaments and lights (pearlized button ones from Target that were pretty) and it took no less than 4 tries to get the lights on the tree.

  1. First, I started putting them on and ran out of lights before I ran out of tree.
  2. Then I put them up and they looked too sparse. We decided to wait and get a 3rd strand
  3. Got the first 2 strands back on and looking pretty and plugged in the new third strand and only half of them worked, dispite E’s playing to try and get the little metal leads in the first light spot to not be crooked as they were out of the box.
  4. One more try, with only 2 strands, to try and make it not look sparce and not make E have to go and get another set. not bad.

Of course, when I do that, my hands and arms get all poked up - can you imagine how it works after 4 times? laughing

Next big job is to figure out how to get the lights around the door outside to work. We have a plugin outside for the first time, and so I want them around the door, but it will require drilling some holes in the door frame to mount some little hookies to attach them with!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! music

My to do list is actually getting crossed off check from the busy weekend of work, and that’s really a relief. And in between that, we even started our Christmas shopping, so I have a good idea for almost everyone on the list, and some more ordering to do - I think that most everything else will be shipped, but I want it all in process by the 15th. Woo!

I don’t think I’m gonna get to my pretty faux treatement I want to do on the small wall downstairs. I was hoping, but now with one more trip planned between now and then, I think I’ll just concentrate on the things I know are important. One ugly wall left over from the last people isn’t enough to stress about. I *do* have the paint now, though, so it won’t be left too long after Christmas!


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Putting together a new place can be so much fun. I can’t wait until you post pictures again!

Good for you -I’m trying to convince myself that decorating really will be worth the effot after the fact but it’s taking a lot of work.

SO happy to hear things are coming together, even it if *is* trial and error. smile

While I’m here, I thought I’d mention something - smileys aren’t being parsed in your rss feeds, so I just see random words where the smileys would be. I’m not sure what you’d need to do about it - depends on your setup - but you probably know more about that than me. I just thought I’d mention it! smile

Lisa took the words right out of my mouth... decorating a new home *is* so much fun. smile

LOLOL! The first tree attempt had me giggling. I can so picture that, all your tree troubles.

Thanks for the samples! Mom and I went through and picked out what we’re going to buy, but that’s going to have to wait until things settle down - I’m starting a job, applying to grad school and getting Christmas things all ready at once!

Oh! It has been so much fun decorating our new house, i know exactly how you fee! Enjoy it! Wheeeee! heart

Hi Kristine,

I’ve been missing you, so wanted to stop in and say hi! I hope you have the happiest of holidays in your new home! smile

This is Ms. Divina, btw. ;)

I’m so excited for you in your new house - it’s been a huge year for both of us! Hope this finds you feeling well! luvya

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