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happy quote

From my Real Simple daily thought email...

Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.

That’s so good! smile


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» Happiness... from Glimpse of a Grrl
[From KDLB] Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them. Anonymous... [Read More]


Totally unrelated comment, ahoy!

When does the second half of the SGA season start? I see Canada gets it next week, but nothing on us. Dude, I am SO HOOKED on this show.

Woo! Glad you are liking it so much! Usually it starts in January, right after the year starts. Same for regular Stargate and Battlestar Galactica - they like to be unique from the rest of the tv show seasons! tv

I don’t know why Canada gets it so much sooner, that’s weird!