I’m so tired of this same freaky spammer for the last 2 days on all my blogs with diff IP addresses all over the place. Its stupid, there’s no point in anyone doing this, because I’m using TypeKey, so no unapproved comments are being posted. Nobody is seeing all these spammy links except me, and obviously, I’m not clicking through them. So why is he/she/it wasting their time doing this for days?
So if you have a problem commenting, I’m gonna go back through and delete the IP addresses I banned at the start of the attack, now that I see there are a ton of them from so many different places, its gotta be some sort of spoofing and I’m more likely causing real commenters to have problems commenting than blocking this freako.
All I can say is yay for TypeKey and 3.0’s comment approval option... and I’m way excited for the next version of MT-Blacklist to help ban URLs in comments again!