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just say no to dialup

With our moving getting close, we find out that stupid Comcast has a massive waiting period between when they can set us up. Its silly because we obviously know how to set up our computers and network cable and TVs and stuff, so waiting for a comcast repair person to do it is silly.

So I may have to come back over to the old apartment during the day to use the internet (for work) until the middle of the week. Or get some cheapy dialup for a few days. How silly is that?!!

Any suggestions for something easy to use for less than a week while I wait? I suppose I could find an AOL trial disk. but ewww.

Same deal goes for our phone service. Its silly how we had to wait until we knew for sure when we could get in to start scheduling this stuff, and now that we waited, we have to wait more.


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If you happen to have a wireless network card available try scanning your new place for an open wifi network. I just moved and one of the close neighbours seems to have a cable internet connection with a standard wifi enabled cable modem/router which is non-secured. So I just configured my network card to use DHCP and *woof* got a lease from the wifi router, and got instant fast internet access. At the moment (ab)using the line until my own ADSL line will be up in about 3 weeks.

It’s sneaky, but it works! wink

I can totally empathize... when I moved last month, I tried to arrange it so that the cable was hooked up before I actually moved in. I had the apartment from the 1st of June, but didn’t move in until the 12th, so you’d think this wouldn’t be an issue. But no, they wanted the computer there at the new place so that the guy could make sure it was all working... nevermind that my computer was already set up for cable since I had it when I was living wtih my now-ex. The technician barely even knew what he was doing, too... I pretty much did the entire thing myself, he just had to turn the cable on at the box. Sheesh!

Try Earthlink. They give you a dailup connection with their broadband service.

What’s wrong with AOL? It’s still America’s #1 service, and for good reason - great content, steady connection... don’t knock it till you try AOL 9! prheart heart

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