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rebecca budig on fashion

I saw a commercial briefly (as E flipped tonight) with Rebecca Budig on it, and then had to figure out what it was she was going to be hosting. The show is called Full Frontal Fashion, on the WE channel.

Join host Rebecca Budig every week as we count down fashion’s latest styles and trends on an all-new season of Full Frontal Fashion. From the "Top Sexiest Looks" to the "Top Ways to Style Your Man"... Plus, each week we’ll offer up a host of fabulous fashion tips and ideas on how to always be in step no matter what your fashion need.

I don’t think I’m super fashionable, but with Rebecca hosting it, I think it would be fun to watch. She’s been on All My Children since I’ve been regularly watching, and before that, she was on Guiding Light. On AMC, she played opposite Josh Duhamel, who is now on Las Vegas, and I loved them together.

What’s Your Style? Quiz says I’m an Artsy Bohemian, but since I didn’t know what some of the choices even were, maybe it wasn’t targeted at me. :giggle: It made me laugh, though—"Your best friend the psychic swears you were Abigail Adams in a previous life." I used to totally pretend that I was Abigail Adams, and read so many biographies of her when I was working at the library.


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I’m an Artsy Bohemian too. I just kind of picked the least unlikely answer in some cases.

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