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ms word is bad

Okay, so I’ve just about had enough of MS Word’s crap in the last few days. Why can’t it just do things that way I ask it to? Margins staying the same, landscape each time, and no crashing? Is that too much to ask? See, I’m printing the velum for the inside of Sarah and Leonard’s wedding invitations, and periodically, a sheet comes out the wrong direction. Instead of landscape with two sets of the wording side-by-side, its portrait, with two sets of the wording side-by-side all stretched out! But its not doing it every time. When it does it, the page comes out of the printer and then the program crashes. Sheesh!

So I’ve wasted about 5-10 sheets of velum now between all of the times its screwed up, and that’s just obnoxious. I have enough, if I can ensure that won’t happen many more times, but I may have to buy more for the programs at this rate.

But what can I do? Its the only word processor on my system right now, although I suppose I probably have a disk around here with Microsoft Works if I didn’t already give it to my mom. Photoshop’s printing comes out a bit fuzzy unless the file is super huge, so I’m trying to avoid that; I’m already using it for the images on the front and back of the card stock, and its quite slow.

Then I remembered. I should check out OpenOffice.org and see if I can just recreate the file in its word processor. Its an Open Source office suite, which I’ve heard good things about. The download was a bit large (65.1MB), but on cable, it really didn’t take long (under 3 minutes).

So we’ll see if this is gonna be helpful or not. It can’t be any worse than Word is being to me. At least I could get these sheets printed, even if its not a long-term solution. But if its good? Then I’ll be really happy smile


Sorry about the trouble--I know how frustrating something like that can be. sad StarOffice is a backup alt. to Open Office. Good luck!

Kristine, I’m so sorry that you’re having problems. sad I put together a 30th anniversary scrapbook for my parents last year, and I printed on some vellum ... it was pretty difficult to get it to come out right each time! *sigh* Oh, and our rehearsal dinner invitations ... we did them ourselves ... what a pain ... confused

Last year I did all of the calligraphy for my gf’s little sister’s wedding by hand. I don’t think it was as much trouble as what you’re going through! I wish you luck.

Interestingly, it took me three tries to post the above comment. First I tried directly from NewzCrawler, and it said I hadn’t input my name, etc. So I tried again, and it bounced me back to the entry, but without my comment there. So I finally switched over to Mozilla and of course it worked fine, but that wonkyness in NewzCrawler was funny.

I’ve been using Open Office for a while now, because I just go so frustrated with the limitations of Works. I love spreadsheeting in it, and yes, regular word processing is much nicer. smile

my msOffice2000 word crashes when I open it every time. Tries everything but am open to other tips!
Please Help!!!

MS office is awesome. I don’t see what your problem is, I haven’t had any trouble with it the couple of years I’ve used it.


I too really hate MS Word. It stinks. I am one of those who still prefer to use WordPerfect if I can. I am a translator and have to format documents to match client requirements and doing this in Word is a total bind.
Anyway I hope you overcome your problems and get your invites done.
Augusta B