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Before You Buy an HTML Editor

Before You Buy an HTML Editor
One of the major tools of a Web developer is the HTML editor, but you should consider all your options as well as what you need before dropping any money or time on an editor.
A great review of Text and WYSIWYG editors, and reasons why to use text or WYSIWYG as your editor of choice. Personally, I use TopStylePro almost exclusively for my HTML, CSS, and PHP editor. If I’m doing something with text files, I tend to open up EditPadLite, just because its my default *.txt program. I’m happy that I learned how to code HTML early on, because now I feel proficient in simply hand-coding almost everything I do. Shortcuts like ctrl+b and ctrl+enter make things easier, but I still find myself typing out html codes even with shortcuts. smile Of course, copy and paste from other previously saved documents is my friend! I have Dreamweaver, and used it all the time, but I’m just faster using TopStyle, and DW isn’t as nice to have open all the time because of its memory usages. Why use something huge and bloated when I’m just gonna hand-code anyhow?! laughing What about you?


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» HTML Editors from Mama Write
Kristine recently wrote about an article she found called "Before You Buy an HTML Editor." I added a comment, which I'll expand upon here. When I first started getting involved with web design, I used HTML editors. I had a... [Read More]


I haven’t really found an editor I’m 100% happy with. Mostly, I use AceHTML on Windows. I like the syntax coloring and the HTML and CSS references built in. However, if the makers if 1stPage 2000 would ever come out with their new version, I think it would be the perfect "notepad" HTML editor. They’ve been saying it’s almost done for over a year now. I’ve given up.

On linux, I’m still looking. I’m using one called Bluefish that isn’t bad, but there’s much to be desired.

I really, really like the syntax coloring though, of any notepad HTML editor. It’s the only reason I don’t just use a plain notepad.

I’ve shifted to using Dreamweaver since it’s available on PC and Mac. This means I can move safely between environments with a minimum amount of fuss or adjustment, and I have the satisfaction of using a design interface or HTML, shifting quickly between the two whenever I need to see a visual representation or debug some broken code. Since TopStyle isn’t available for Mac, I use Dreamweaver’s CSS editor, too. It’s not as visually-friendly as TopStyle, but it gives me a consistent interface since I have to work on two different platforms.

In the past, I would always use Metapad (basically a Notepad clone, but with more features), but lately I’ve been using SciTE, which is an open source text editor with syntax highlighting. Not only does it highlight HTML, CSS, and PHP, but also nearly any other lanuage under the sun. It loads up really quickly, too.