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When I was going to school, why didn’t I take some art classes? I am sitting here, completely inspired, but I’m just not sure how to make lighting and shadows in the right places all the time. Of course, I’m trying out black and white chalk nozzles/brushes in Painter for the first time, and no colors makes it harder to me, but I think I like this challenge. The inspiration for what I’m drawing is because my sister would really like some calming serene pictures for her dorm room. She bought me a picture for Christmas that she likes the feel of. She has faith that I could make her something beautiful. I don’t know if I have the same amount of faith! I’m gonna keep playing with it - maybe something beautiful will work out of the outline I have.


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This may not help, but scriptygoddess has a post about shadows in photoshop. I had just read it today and thought about it when I read your post. smile

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