
- Xenowort - Larabie Fonts [seen at FontGarden]
- Witchcraft Normal - Typearound [seen at FontGarden
- Elvish Ring NFI [Norfok]
Curly Girly
- Vassallo Regular - Jeff Vorzimmer [seen at FontGarden
- Valia Truelight - BLAHfonts (Minna Kim) [seen at FontGarden]
- Witzworx Regular - Ron Evry [seen at FontGarden]
- Erotokritos - Walter Velez [seen at FontGarden]
50s Diner
- Spirit [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Wild Ride - Michael Hagermann [seen at FontGarden]
- Wedding_Script Bail - Font Rageous Fonts [seen at FontGarden]
- ALS Script [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Aramis Regular and Italic [DigitalGraphicLabs] - a more cursive style of Marigold
- Chancery Cursive [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- FLW Script[DigitalGraphicLabs]
- ILS Script [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Ramsey Foundational [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- SNC Script Italic [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Caswallon Demo [Scriptorium Fonts]
Black Letter
- Holy Union [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Wellsley - J.Fordyce [seen at FontGarden]
- Worn Manuscript Rough - Phillip Andrade [seen at FontGarden] - a raggedy black letter
- Kells Uncial Bold [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Index 29°
- Struck Dead - Cumberland
- Westsac - Chank
- Whiffy [Rotodesign]
- Bitwise [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Whiz Kid Regular [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Terminator Real [Norfok]
Pixel fonts
- Bongonaut [Core]
- Oh La La [Core]
- Pixelette [Core]
- Small Talk [Core]
- Nine Pin [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Il Tempo Gigante [Core]
- Gentleman Caller [Core] - serifed pixel font!
- balderas [Pixelate] - optimized for multiples of 10.
- Pixilated [Pixelate] - cursive pixel font!
- Boom Box [Jonathan Paterson]
- Xenotron and Broadstroke - Kees Gajenaan [seen at FontGarden
- Techno Overload [AEnigma Fonts]
- Technique BRK and OL [AEnigma Fonts]
- Venus Rising [Larabie Fonts]
- Vibrocentric [Larabie Fonts]
- SansBroadway [M.Klein]
- Nuderflaken [Core]
- Warren - Tommy Cary [seen at FontGarden]
Sans Serif
- Klill-LightTallX [M.Klein]
- Willow - Dave Fabik [seen at FontGarden]
- What time is it? - Samuel Park [seen at FontGarden]
- Vulgar Display Regular [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- TradingPostNF [Nick’s Fonts]
- GreatLakesNF [Nick’s Fonts]
- Enter Sansman Bold and Italic [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- WoodenNickelBlack [Nick’s Fonts]
- Scream Real [Norfok]
- Broad
- BoogieNightsNF [Nick’s Fonts]
- AmstelHeavyNF [Nick’s Fonts]
- wibble - solar*sister [seen at FontGarden]
- TanglewoodTales [Nick’s Fonts] - nice alternative to Georgia
- Angleterre Book [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Nobility Casual [DigitalGraphicLabs] - i like!
- Temps Nouveau [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Title Wave Regular [DigitalGraphicLabs] - All uppercase
- Backstabber Roman [Core] - uppercase only
- Bunth Serif [Core]
- ShakeySlabserif [M.Klein]
- Valdemar [Scriptorium]
- BodiniXT [M.Klein]
- Courieresque
- TypeWrong Smudged [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Lettertiep and Vet [seen at 1001 fonts]
- Another Typewriter - Johan Holmdahl [seen at 1001 fonts]
- Patterns and Dots - looks like patterns I used to draw all over my class notes!
- Fanzine [DigitalGraphicLabs] - would work nicely for a ransom note!
- Gunmetal Regular [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Chickabiddies [Fontalicious]
- Garanimals [Fontalicious]
- The Kids [Fontalicious]
- Arcade [Fontalicious]
- Fontalicious Thingbats [Fontalicious]
- SilhouFaces [M.Klein]
- Intersect BRK and C and O [AEnigma Fonts]
- Shagadelic bold [DigitalGraphicLabs]
- Fizzo [Core]
- Funky Mushroom [Core]
- Bodini Slapp [Core] - already a fav of mine, but worth mentioning again.
- Weimar - Charlotte Iona Dymock [seen at FontGarden]
- Yonder BRK [AEnigma Fonts]
- Yielding BRK [AEnigma Fonts]
- Yonkerismo - Rev. Josh Wilhelm [seen at FontGarden] - uppercase only
- Young at Heart [PizzaDude]
- ChromeYellow [Nick’s Fonts]
- Kima [Dinc!]
- Windswept MF - Richard William Mueller [seen at FontGarden]
- Will Robinson [DeNada Industries]

OMG Typadelic is beautiful!
Posted by: Zorbs | June 28, 2003 03:31 PM
I adore Witchcraft, man. It’s still my AIM font!
And geez, GIlliangels. I miss that group, man. Well, what we did, more than the people or negative feelings. People seem interested in starting it up again, but over at nsync, so maybe I’ll be doing it once again. LOL Heaven knows we have the poptab project down pat.
Hey, quick question - how do you reformat a drive? Time to give my baby to Josh!
Miss you, sweetie. {{HUGS}}
Posted by: Rina | June 28, 2003 08:57 PM
Oh wow, what a list! You rock!
Posted by: Meredith | June 29, 2003 08:06 AM
The past year or so I’ve really been digging Adobe Jenson designed by Robert Slimbach—especially in its OpenType incarnation. Another serif face I really like is Warnock (again, OpenType). I’m a long-time Garamond lover, and I really dig Adobe Jenson and Warnock.
Posted by: Pariah | June 29, 2003 11:48 AM
Darn you woman!! I was trying to be productive! Now I’m relegated to looking at all these sexay fonts! I’m going to have to find a good time wasting game to pay you back for this... mwahahaha ;)
Posted by: Melissa | July 1, 2003 02:10 PM