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stuff and things

Today went by quickly. I slept a lot of the morning, and then worked on client work and other various stuff all afternoon. Took a shower and that took my energy away. I feel so boring. I turned my head upside down after my shower and then braided my hair, so I have this floppy braid that keeps going in my face. LOL!
I’ve been busy answering a lot of MT forums questions and working on the plugin manager and other stuff. There’s just so many ideas going through my head about all of these projects that I can barely contain my excitement! smile

Megan got her cell phone, and made me the first call. She got a Nokia, and she can turn it on and say "Call Kristine" and it dials my number smile She’s been wanting one for at least 3 summers now, but this is the first time she felt good enough about her financial situation to get one. Leonard called and wanted to make sure that we didn’t have any plans for the 4th of July yet - he’s gonna go get some fireworks to do for us all. And cool, the 4th is a friday, so it won’t be a worry about staying up too late! Like I said to L, its gonna be all us old fogies getting together with Matthew in Michigan with dad, and Lisa probably not wanting to join us! But he promised Leah would be there to balance things out :giggle:
Am I the only person who double clicks my click in the systray to see a quick calendar?! Hee hee...

Today was Annette, my secretary’s, last day. Obviously, she hasn’t been MY secretary for a while, but she was for several years, and she’s the one who had taken over all my work when I left. So its sad to see her go, but I’m way excited for her in her new job. I wanted to call her and wish her well one more time at work, and I got sidetracked before the end of the work day. Oops.

And that’s the story of my day. I need to go change the laundry so E will have dry clothes in the morning. And take my drugs. I slept for a few hours already before waking up!


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I doubleclick my systray clock all the time to check the date. It’s convenient! ;)

Are you coming to Michigan? laughing

i’m the same way with the systray. smile most convenient calendar there is!

i’m comment-y today.... laughing

i also check the calendar in my system tray. even more convenient is to just mouseover it, and it tells you the date and time.

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