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baby blue

From my green-eyed friend, I took the "What Color Eyes Should You Have? quiz smile

I actually have greenish-brown eyes, btw smile

Blue Eyes
What Color Eyes Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla


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» These hazel eyes are tired from on my mind
I have absolutely no idea why I took this quiz. I guess it appeared to have the right blend of [Read More]

» These hazel eyes are tired from on my mind
I have absolutely no idea why I took this quiz. I guess it appeared to have the right blend of [Read More]

» These hazel eyes are tired from on my mind
I have absolutely no idea why I took this quiz. I guess it appeared to have the right blend of [Read More]

» eyes are the windows to your soul from lily of the valley
kristine's are blue, lisa & jen's are green... while mine are as the should be: [Read More]

» eyes are the windows to your soul from lily of the valley
kristine's are blue, lisa & jen's are green... while mine are as the should be: [Read More]

» eyes are the windows to your soul from lily of the valley
kristine's are blue, lisa & jen's are green... while mine are as the should be: [Read More]


I know this isn’t the point of the quiz, but that baby is adorable... laughing

See, and J'mo thought that everyone was getting the eye color they put on the first question! You have disproved that theoriy.

heh....i got the same baby and i have hazel eyes. laughing

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