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Little Miss Leah

My beautiful niece is doing better... flower she hasn’t had another seizure since they added the new anti-seizure meds. Leonard and Sarah went to some training for the monitor that will be coming home with her. It will keep track of her heartrate and resporitory functions. Her temperature is still a bit low - they’ve had her in an incubator to try and keep her warm. She’s really picking up the nursing thing smile L says she’s starting to recognize them and smile when they talk to her!!! And best of all, she’s probably coming home tomorrow or friday!

Her birth announcment was in the paper today. And I got the official birth announcement in the mailbox, too, with a picture. (Yes, S is really on top of this stuff and sent it out immediately!!) This isn’t the best version of the picture, since I just laid it on the floor and snapped a picture with my camera instead of uncovering the scanner to do it! It’ll do for now, though smile

First professional shot. She’s only 12 hours old here, and her daddy Leonard really liked this because she was looking at him.

I’ve had a big grin goin' on for much of the day with all these sock little Leah reminders (announcements, pictures, etc.) around me smile So hopefully that laughing came through in my post!!


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Awww she’s just adorable! New babies are so sweet.heart

I’m so happy to hear that little Leah is doing better. What a scary time this must be for your sister and her hubby. I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Tell Leah that she has all kinds of Bloggers rooting for her to get all better!

what a little sweetheart! heart i hope she continues to do better! *hugs*

What an adorable and sweet little pumpkin! Oh, I just want to hug her and hold her and kiss her! Mwuah! You must be the proudest aunt ever!

She’s absolutely precious. I hope she continues to grow healthy and without any problem. smile Love to you and your family, Kristine---

heart Precious girl! heart

It’s good to hear she’s doing better though. Any word yet on what caused the seizures in the first place? Poor thing. It’s traumatic enough just being plucked from that cozy little nest she had going on in mommy’s tummy. It’s amazing any of us come out looking forward to life in the real world. laughing

She is such a cute! bug I’m sending good thoughts to all of y'all! rainbow prheart star

I’m glad to hear that she’s doing better. I can only imagine how scary it must be to have to medicate a new baby without really knowing what’s causing the seizures and to not be able to take her home right away.

She’s adorable! I really need to convince one of my friends to have a baby so I can get my baby fix! laughingbutterfly

"She’s really picking up the nursing thing smile L says she’s starting to recognize them and smile when they talk to her!!!"

I thought you meant she was starting to recognize the breasteses, but then I got confused when you said they talk to her. laughing

I’m glad to hear she’s doing well. Proud papas are an amazing thing to behold. Men who love babies are so sexy. wink

She’s very cute. smile I’m glad that she’s doing better on the meds. luvya

What a pretty girl. I’m so happy she is doing better.

how wonderful! i am so excited that she is doing better and that she and her little box will be going home soon. you’ll be holding her in no time!

I’m so glad to read that she’s doing better! She’s a sweetie pie heart !!

She is soooooooooo cute! laughing Glad to hear she’s doing better and coming home!

exercise My name is Leah, you can be my friend and email me back for I’m in love with your niece. I don’t often steal peoples Leahs, I’ve only stolen 80 that live in packets in my house.

Bye, g2g

P.S: Fill your boots

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