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nice shirt

I was looking through some sites today and realized it had been a while since I checked out what Lane Bryant had for the summertime clothes. I found one shirt in green multi that I really liked. I wonder how it would look on me smile I suppose that I’ll need to do some shopping one of these days. And try on the dress that I have because I’ll need to dress up for Matthew’s 8th grade graduation in a month!! smile


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Thanks for reminding me about Lane Bryant. I have a coupon around here somewhere that I need to use. laughing I’ve had a horrible time finding anything there lately, but some of the new clothes on their website look like possibilities at least. smile

ah 8th grade graduation. seems so long ago! star

Oooh, I didn’t know they had a website. Last time I had checked they didn’t. Thanks for the info! laughing


8th grade?! He’s so old now! LOL I can’t believe he’s going to be graduating.

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