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makeup 411

I had a lot of fun looking through Makeup411. Its a site that shows what certain celebrities wear makeup-wise. Its amazing how many products it takes to make-up a someone professionally!

I have a love for eyeshadow in lots of pretty sparkly colors. If I never bought another eyeshadow again, I think I’d have enough to wear for the rest of my life blush My very favorite place to get them has been GardenBotanika, but they just did a complete makeover to their products and made them all more expensive when they did it. They aren’t promoting the makeup lines like they used to, either; they are more about the body care. So that’s sad to me. But hey, like I said, I don’t *need* any more laughing


LOL How funny!!! I used to sell Mary Kay and still have TONS of that left...so I’m kinda like you, if I never bought another eye shadow, I’d have plenty for my entire life. Now...mascara, that’s another story! wink

I don’t own any eyeshadow. I guess I never really learned how to apply it correctly. Maybe now’s the time to learn.. blush

my best friend used to -love- garden botanika but they were way too expensive. i can’t image that they could puch up their prices anymore! amazing.

I’m addicted to Stila eye shadows. They’re kinda pricey. But they last FOREVER (both on your face and in the palette)—and the colors are amazing (lots of pretty sparkly ones). They don’t turn into greasy-lid either, which is a big plus for me down here in the FL humidity.

i dig the sparkly colors too, kristine.. especially silvers.. butterfly

I’m all about the eye shadow and lipstick/lip gloss/lip color. Those are the only two I really ever worry about, unless I’m dressing up. MAC has wonderful eye shadows. There is a rusty goldish colored one that I’m in love with. It really brightens up my eyes... and it has glitter too. ;)


Now, for me I have natural beauty so I dont really need makeup but when im going out I like to wear a light brown shadow since my eyebrow dont really have the curve to them only an arch i put a line of white or silver at the top to make my eyes look wider its actually quite easy to do. star