photoshop tutorials
miss melissa was looking for photoshop tutorials, and asked that instead of sharing ALL my links, to only give her my top 5. LOL, picky little girl knows how many trillion things I could share ;) And Zuly asked a long time ago for this, and so these are for her too
She’s specifically looking for PS7 tutorials, but many that I have work in version 5-7; but each of the below site has tutorials that are specified as version 7.
- Eyes on Design—some terrific tutorials; effects and tricks.
- Robouk’s Photoshop Tutorials—assorted tutorials with cool effects.
- Team Photoshop’s Cool Techniques
- Planet Photoshop—huge array of tutorials in effects, photography, text, web, tool, and corrections category.
- FXZone—top interface design tips. My favorite for interface inspiration.
That’s 5. Okay, one more for good measure—not really tutorials, but helpful downloads: Adobe Studio Exchange.
I LOVE my alt text. You just made my night.
grrrr baby!
Hey, that’s six! I specifically told you five! Five I said.
The number of the tutorials shall be five, and five shall be the number of tutorials... (20 Geek Point™ if you know the movie that quote is based on. ;) )
And who said I’m picky? I’m not picky! I’m just very specific about what I want. ::giggle::
Posted by: GeekGrrl | February 21, 2003 02:51 PM
Hey! I seem to remember requesting the same sort of information ages and ages ago from you! I was even on the to do list!
Now I see... I shall from now on ask M to ask you for things. Hmph.![smile](
Posted by: Zuly | February 21, 2003 03:36 PM
Oh cool! Thanks for these.![smile](
Posted by: Jennifer | February 22, 2003 06:03 AM
Thanks for sharing the links, like the last two.![smile](
Posted by: DianeG | February 22, 2003 07:23 AM
Doh. Sorry for the multi-pings. Dunno why it did that.![smile](
Posted by: GeekGrrl | February 22, 2003 11:39 AM
Very good.
I like
Posted by: Mark | June 5, 2003 10:47 PM