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Another very cool article from the CFIDS self-help group.... CFIDS-Fibromyalgia Self-Help - When All Else Fails, Take a Nap

For CFS and FMS sufferers, napping when you need it may be even more essential. With sleep disorders a common problem in these illnesses, a lack of restful sleep or reduced total sleep hours may require your body to make up the difference. CFS specialist Dr. Charles Lapp suggests that people with chronic fatigue syndrome (PWCs) "should strive to go with the flow or accommodate their own body rhythm." There may be periods when PWCs just can’t sleep; in such cases it’s best to nap and catch up whenever possible.

You should experiment with what works best for you. If you feel you need a nap but find that napping makes it harder to fall asleep at night, try limiting daytime sleep to 30-45 minutes or avoiding naps after 2:00pm. Most of all, listen to your body; don’t let the misperception that naps are a sign of laziness prevent you from responding to your own needs. Certainly, CFS/FMS sufferers don’t need one more thing to feel guilty about. Professor Anthony recommends that people become "proud nappers" in order to change our "nappist society."

Yeah, I wish it was easier to be a proud napper. I get crap from my family sometimes—"You were taking ANOTHER nap?" But naps are what keep me from being sicker, so I have to work on being more of a proud napper smile

(btw, I spend between 12-16 hours a day sleeping, napping, or resting with my eyes closed. Which is why jammies are my clothing of choice at this stage of my life.) smile


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I’ll join the proud napper revolution with you. smile I have horrible bouts of insomnia, so I have to catch sleep whenever it decides to visit me. Jammies are my clothing of choice even if I’m not napping though. Soft pajamas are the best clothes in the world!

I wish I could nap. But I don’t. I just lie there... unless I’m really tired, like when I’m in a very, very bad flare, and then I do this awake/asleep zoning thing for like two hours.

Now Seymour—that boy can nap wherever and whenever. It’s amazing.

My sister has severe FM, so I’ve sent her the link you posted. THANK YOU! smile

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