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busy day

Today has been a busy day. I rested a lot this morning and actually napped for quite some time. And then I’ve spent a LOT of time on the MT forums , very happily because its so nice to see so many people using MT smile I’ve made over 100 posts today alone!!

Then I did some heart-shaped baking. Huh? Yes, I made E Chocolate Chip Cookies, because I knew that he would like that so very much ... I haven’t baked much in the last few months, and so he’d been missing it. Of course, I figured since it is valentines day, I could get away with making them ♥ shaped ;) And then I made homemade pizza (also heart shaped)! I opened windows and took a shower before E came home, and then answered more questions on the forums before dinner was ready. Dinner was delicious, and we watched Roswell together while eating. And now I’ve been sitting here giggling at Spike and now being sad for John Crichton.

Today is the anniversary of Love-productions—I put the first version of the site up February 14, 2000. I’ve sure come a long way in that time period! smile

Its been a good day.


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Happy anniversary! smile Sounds like you and E have had a nice Valentine’s Day. Matt and I have had a great one at home too. We’re such homebodies.

hehehe Heart shaped food is sooo cute!!!!!

Thanks for your help on the MT forums. I’m one of the clueless masses. smile

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