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tech skills

Mariann a link to this article, which has a list of five tech skills most in demand. It was interesting, so I thought I’d go through it like she did smile

An ability to use the Internet as a research tool.
I’ve *definitely* got this down. I’ve been internet research-friendly for at least 5 years. I’m really good at it now.

Success at mastering new business software applications.
I’ve always been good at this. Although I don’t use too many software solutions with my job, I do have a variety of applications that I am not only very good at using, but could teach others how to use them.

Knowledge and expertise at new wireless devices and technologies.
I really haven’t played with any of this, although I have been learning how to have different looks depending on the medium viewed on. I am sure that my CSS-skills will help me at separating content and style for use with wireless devices.

Expertise in security software and security features.
My experience in this is much less than the other areas. But because of the good research skills, I feel that I could rise to the occassion when the time comes that I need to have more security than I already do.

Microsoft .NET, XML and related Web technologies.
For some reason, I know nothing about .NET, and haven’t really thought of it as something I need to learn about. I’ll look into it. But I’ve done enough with XML now to understand it, and CSS has become my best friend. PHP and SQL are all getting to be easier, and that makes my self-proclaimed "web designer" title better to me than just "graphic designer" because I don’t only do graphics, I can do web work too.


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I’ve done some stuff with .NET, C# in particular, and I like it a lot. I’ve thought of it mostly as a way to make Windows applications, but it can be used for Web stuff as well - Web Services, I believe. Unfortunately, in order to use web services it requires a host that has .NET installed. There aren’t too many of those, and those that are around cost more than most other hosts, I believe.

Kristine, with your skills - you’d also qualify as a web developer, I’d think. smile

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