all night
all night, all day, angels watching over me my Lord...
(when I typed all night, the words from a song I remember singing in high school came back to me and felt appropriate )
I slept all night. No waking up until 6:30! That’s such a blessing, because I really was exhausted by the time I went to bed last night at 8:30 - that’s 10 good hours of sleep, much closer to what I need for my energy envelope. I’ll take a little nap today, and it’ll have me totally feeling nice
So I’m been working for the last few hours - after a run through the MT forums , I started on a write up for a new client, and opened up photoshop to work on a design for another client. I did some research on Mal’s ecommerce package, and was pleasently excited to find it might work perfectly for my new client. They actually process your orders on their secure server (for free!) so you don’t have to get a SSL certificate for your site. Very cool.
Its cold out, but doesn’t feel nearly as cold as it did yesterday. Maybe the sun shining in is helping. It was 31 when I woke up!
E’s playing Warcraft 3 (I think) and one of the groups of people I hear talking sounds like Muppets. So I keep asking if he’s killing Elmo. LOL!
I am getting some weird side pain right now - the side of my stomach is actually twitching. Hmmm... So I think I’ll lay on the couch and play crash bash until E gets hungry for breakfast.
I’m sure proud of how much I accomplished before 9:30 in the morning I’ve still got quite a bit to do this weekend, but I got a good start!
I am hungry...and at I figure you should make me some lunch ?
Posted by: Mark | November 2, 2002 10:49 AM