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Individual Entries

Do you like how my Individual Archives are set up with the incoming and outgoing pings? I wrote a tutorial about it over on Scripty Goddess: MT hacks: Individual Entry and Trackback Enjoy! smile


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Individual Entries:

» Once more with feeling from Ain't too proud to blog
Small addition made to my comment / individual archives templates thanks to the Scripty Goddesses. In addition to the pop-up with the URLs that have pinged me, now you can also view the sites I've pinged for each entry as well. For example, here are th... [Read More]

» To Do List 102102 from Neurotic Fishbowl
It's been like a month since I've done a To Do List, but I did manage to eliminate a few [Read More]

» MT hacks: Individual Entry and Trackback from Neurotic Fishbowl
After much mucking about, my individual archives now reflect trackbacks both sent and received like Kristine and Robyn's sites do. [Read More]


That looks really slick smile

YEAH!!! Thank you so much! (Something else to add to my to-do list!) You rock!