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cisSnaps and css

I must send you over to visit CisSnaps - Cis ’s photoblog. She’s got a brand new snazzy design, and some great css mouseovers goin' on! (she had the idea, I helped find the code, doesn’t it look neato?!)

She’s beautiful AND brilliant!!!


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Ooh! Thanks for the link. She takes fantastic pictures. My only problem: I can’t read the light gray on the celery colored background. sad I enjoyed the pics though. smile

Thanks guys. The code doesn’t work if you’re using a Mac, btw, but it’s awesome on PCs.

Lisa - the individual entries aren’t updated yet. It was a snafu pushing the changes so soon (copy and pasted in the wrong stylesheet, oops) but I’m working on that tonight so it should all be readable soon! smile

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