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This or That 100802

In honor of today’s this or that, I’ve been listening to disney music all morning :giggle: I love some of the soundtracks, they are really great!

  • Heroines: Ariel (Little Mermaid) or Belle (Beauty & the Beast)? I like the songs from Little Mermaid more, but love how Belle looks.
  • More heroines: Mulan or Pocahontas? I think I’ll have to go with Mulan because I ahven’t seen all of Pocahontas!!
  • Princesses: Snow White or Cinderella? Cinderella, all the way!
  • Toy Story: Buzz or Woody? Oh hard one. They both rock. But if I had to choose, I’d have to go with Buzz!
  • Animals: Simba (Lion King) or Bambi? Simba. I loved The Lion King
  • Naughty boys: Peter Pan or Pinocchio? Peter Pan!
  • Sidekicks: Sebastian the Crab (Little Mermaid) or Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)? Sebastian the Crab of course!
  • Villians: Wicked Queen (Snow White) or Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmations)? I think the Wicked Queen was more scary to me!
  • Classics: Goofy or Pluto? Goofy!
  • And of course: Mickey or Donald? Oh, it must be Mickey! I like Minnie, too!!!


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» Disney decisions [This-or-That: October 8, 2002] from lily of the valley
*singing* "Mickey Mouse!"*rebelious interjection* "Donald Duck!"... [Read More]

» Disney decisions [This-or-That: October 8, 2002] from lily of the valley
*singing* "Mickey Mouse!"*rebelious interjection* "Donald Duck!"... [Read More]

» Disney decisions [This-or-That: October 8, 2002] from lily of the valley
*singing* "Mickey Mouse!"*rebelious interjection* "Donald Duck!"... [Read More]

» Disney decisions [This-or-That: October 8, 2002] from lily of the valley
*singing* "Mickey Mouse!"*rebelious interjection* "Donald Duck!"... [Read More]