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lunch out

I’ve had such a delightful day.

I woke up and found that E was still here - a bit sick, but he’s sounding a bit better by now. I went back to bed for a little nap and cuddled with him as I fell asleep. Then I woke up and got ready - my sister came and we went out for lunch. TGIFridays is kinda "our place" to go, and so we had a perfect lunch - French Onion Soup and a French Dip for me. With lots of cherry coke. YUMmmmm.... and we sat and talked forever, it was so nice.

Then Meg really needed to stop and get a present for Matthew, so I told her if we parked close, I probably could make it into the store. So we headed into Old Navy from a super close parking spot. She found a great shirt for Matthew and I found jammies (camisole and pants) on sale! Yay for jammies, that makes me so happy!

So I’ve been out for a portion of the day, so I need to rest some now, but it was so nice, and I’m so proud of everything she’s doing. She’s gonna have a great year of school, and she’s gonna make a fabulous nurse.

Yay for sister-fun! smile and jammies!! ;)


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French Onion soup and a French Dip are my favorites too! And if E should get really congested, the soup is the best thing for clearing things up so you can breathe again!

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