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Have I mentioned lately how much I love the Charmed theme song? Every time it comes on, I want to turn it up loud. It’s called "How Soon is Now" and its performed by Love Spit Love.

more Charmed Music

It makes me happy that TNT is playing reruns at night now smile

I need to add a "theme song playlist" to lovesongs! I love a lot of them! smile


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That Love Spit Love version is hella cool! I’ve always liked that song - I just downloaded the Charmed soundtrack version now. Wheee!

I love that song too, thanks for reminding me. I’ll have to look for it this weekend. (What a great band name, eh? ;) )

"How Soon Is Now" is really cool. I can’t stop loving it and i always listen to that song. It also reminds me of my fave show, Charmed.

Please people, if you like this track listen to the original version and while you are at it everything else recorded by The Smiths

This song is also sang by t. A. T. u. on track 5 of 200 km/h down the wrong lane.

i’m just wondering if i able to be one of the pretty girls housband...or just have a chat with her...

pls. pls. pls. anyone send me a song of how soon is now at giangumilao@yahoo.com


i also love the song "how soon is now"..but i can´t find the song where i can download it or the soundtrack....can you help me...i want to have this song...

pls. pls. pls. can anyone send me a song how soon is now at nedim_svrakic@yahoo.com

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