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mondaymission 2.18

promoguy’s monday mission

  1. Do you have any tattoos? If no, why not and what would you get if you did get one. If you do have one or more, tell us how you came to get it, and why you chose the design you got inked with.
    No. I almost got one on my 2nd trip to NYC. It was the year after I graduated from College, and I was there with two girlfriends who had gotten tattoos together on their first trip together to HI. They had mentioned maybe getting another one to commemorate the trip, and had talked about what they would get. K thought maybe an empire states building on her lower spine. A didn’t have any specifics that I remember. But I knew exactly what I’d get. A small black outlined butterfly filled in with purple and yellow. Maybe with curly antennas. On my back, on the left side about where my tank tops hit the strap, maybe a bit higher. What stopped me? Partially the thought of the pain, partially the knowledge that E wasn’t too keen on them (and we were really serious at this point), and partially the permanence of it. Do I regret not doing it? a teeny bit smile
  2. Has anything ever happened that caused you to believe, or disbelieve, in a Higher Power.
    Oh most definitely. I see small things frequently that remind me how much I believe. But there is one big experience that happened to me personally that make me know that a Higher Power was watching out for me. It had to do with being stuck between a building and a snowbank, and I *know* there is no way I climbed out. I fell into this hole while playing with my siblings.... my head was at least 3 feet below the surface, and I couldn’t move. After telling/yelling at my brother what happened (I as probably 14?), next thing I knew, I was standing next to the hole. I am absolutely positive that I couldn’t move and was in too deep to be able to get out. I know that God and/or my angel had to have pulled me out.
  3. Have you ever seriously considered, or even attempted, suicide?
    Yes to the seriously considered. I know at least one occassion that I actually made plans.
  4. Has anyone you have known committed suicide?
    No, but I know of several friends who seriously considered.
  5. This weekend you and I are going to the nature park for a picnic. I’ll bring the blanket and make all the arrangements. You pack the picnic basket. What’s inside?
    My favorite picnic ever had the following leftover contents from my wedding reception! - sweet and sour (veggie) meatballs, potato rolls and sandwich makings, perfectly cut veggies and the top of my wedding cake! If I was making a picnic today, I’d get as many of those things as I could, add some cherry coke, and maybe some homemade chocolate chip cookies since the wedding cake top is out. LOL!
  6. Have you ever been mad at God for something that happened (or didn’t happen)?
    No. I tend to get upset with myself more likely.
  7. Post (or describe) an image of someone that is no longer with us. Tell us about that person.
    Mindi was one of a core group of 6 friends for 2 of the years of college. I wrote about her not that long ago here - Mindi Lou
BONUS: Who are you?
Who am I?? Why I’m Kristine :giggle: I’m honored to be friends with some of the sweetest girls on the net. I’m goofy and an overachiever, and helpful, and enamoured over taking pictures of myself. There is so much to me, and if you’d like to know more, check out my About page smile

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