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bittersweet chocolate

Types of Chocolate

Unsweetened chocolate (sometimes called bitter, baking or plain chocolate) is chocolate liquor. It should not be confused with bittersweet chocolate.
Ooops. I made cookies yesterday, like I said before, and I called and asked Annette about bittersweet chocolate, and she told me it was the same as baking chocolate. So when I made coarsly chopped chunks, I ended up with some bittery parts on some of my cookies. Most of it mixed in enough that it wasn’t a big deal, and there is enough other flavors... but I had to look it up to prove to her. Hence the post :giggle:

Why, though, would they tell me to do it in ounces just like they do with bakers chocolate?!!! smile


Because you buy Bittersweet Chocolate in the same form as baking chocolate.. its jusy lightly sweetened & is still usd for baking. If that makes sense. I know Hershey’s makes it.

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