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I’m so sleepy. Some nights, I wish a big troll would come and just knock me out with his hammer and then at least I’d be out of it instead of awake!! Its just been so many months now of waking up sometime in the middle of the night. And so many months of attempts to fall back asleep. And darn it all, its not like many of my favorite reads actually update their blogs in the middle of the night, so surfing through them is not always so productive!!!

So here’s my horoscope for the day:

You may feel more reserved than usual, Kristine - especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Even in the most intimate situations, you may be feeling apprehensive about expressing yourself fully. Be careful that you don’t end up sending messages to others that suggest that you don’t wish to be around them. People are apt to think that your reluctant nature is because of them. It is fine to be a recluse, but just make sure that you don’t completely alienate yourself in the process.
Yes, this sounds like something I could easily do. My personality type tends to do just that. The other day, I was kinda annoyed at Annette because every word that came out of her mouth was whining, and so I kinda wasn’t responding to what she was saying to try and not make it worse. And the next day, she asked if I was feeling better... because she thought that maybe I was regretting my decision to stay because of what a bad mood I was in the day before. Hmmm, it was the other way 'round, but whatever!

So I just went through and read and deleted my hotmail. I use that address as a clearing house for most things I sign up for, just to reduce spam on my real addys. I love that I have it right in OE, and I don’t have to open another screen to get to it, and this encourages me to really use it for my address-to-sign-up-for-things. If something important does come through, I usually see it. I get my lockergome newsletters over here because when I first started getting them, I was on AOL, and so I couldn’t get the html copies of them. The plain text ones were so boring, so I think I may have signed up for hotmail just for this reason :giggle:

So now I’m just blabbling. Maybe I’ll go climb back into bed now. Hopefully i won’t lay there for TOO long.

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