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« Friday Five: 030802 | Main | girlie duckie »

worked hard

I got a whole lot done at work this morning. Annette came 2 hours late because Camas schools were 2 hours late. So I got tons done on old periods because I could switch around w/o worrying about she was working on smile

And then I just kept working and got several other projects done before the end of the day, even though I was ther about 2 hours later than I should have been. But mom and me stopped and got lunch together on our way home, which was nice. We talked about Matthew going to Mexico (he’s going on a mission trip for 10 days starting late next week), Emily (who is a friend of Lisa’s who has been living at my family’s house), and more stuff. It was fun.

So now I’m home, and I feel like I haven’t barely been at home at all this afternoon. My nasty headache that comes and goes is coming again, and so I’m trying to rest and relax instead of push myself to get things done.

But its okay, I’ll still get a few little things done smile


love the layout ;D

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