easy ftp
TechTV | Windows Tip: FTP From Your Browser
When you want to FTP to your website, just type ftp.yoursite.com into the address bar and your site will ask you for your user name and password. You can also type "ftp.username@yoursite.com" and your site will only ask you for your password.
Wow! I never knew you could do this! This could be super hand for easy uploads that I don’t feel like loading LeechFTP or for just browsing my folders 
That is SO freakin' cool!
Posted by: erika | March 2, 2002 08:03 AM
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work when you’re behind a firewall like at work. Bah humbug! Can’t do any FTPing at all from work.
Posted by: meryl | March 2, 2002 12:32 PM