Friday Five: 021502
Heather’s got a great redesign going on, and I’m always excited to do the Friday Five!
- What was the first thing you ever cooked?
I would guess Oatmeal or grilled cheeses. My mom used to fix us oatmeal every morning for a long time, which meant we learned how to make it ourselves. And I know I was making grilled cheeses pretty early on (so in honor of this question, guess what I had for lunch?! )
- What’s your signature dish? I make *wonderful* from-scratch macaroni and cheese. I start with a great white sauce and stir forever and a day until it gets thick and add cheese and bake it until it bubbles perfectly. Yum! I also am well known for my Christmas cookies - I do decorated sugar cookies every year.
- Ever had a cooking disaster? Yes, many of them :giggle: Last week, I tried dinner rolls for the first time, and not only did they not cook all the way through, they got pretty hard pretty fast. They went right into the trash!!!
- If skill and money were no object, what would make for your dream meal? I would really like to learn to make really good fettuchini alfredo, like they have at olive garden. And some fancy deserts! I’ve done cheesecake, but would like to expand my repetoire!
- What are you doing this weekend?
I don’t have a lot of plans. I want to play with graphics and play and nap. Maybe go out to dinner at some point. I don’t have anything I’m shopping for right now, so I don’t have much I want to go out for. Maybe some cleaning. I’d love to rent some movies. Pretty boring, huh?! ;)
Uh oh, nix the relaxing idea. I just spent the last 40 minutes on the phone with Annette - the computer crashed, and I can’t fix it over the phone. Guess I’ll be going to work at some point during the weekend. Man.
I want a good recipe for Alfredo Sauce for chicken.
I have one (supposed to be low fat) but tried it and
it was plain flat. Uuky!!!
I want something tasty.
Posted by: Feryle Lawrence | January 17, 2005 06:54 PM