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broad goals

With the advent of my 2-day weeks being upon me, I’ve been thinking a great deal about my goals during the coming weeks.

  1. Rest: Relaxation and stress relief is a big part of staying at home. Learning to focus my energy on positive things instead of non-productive work stresses is going to be important. I’d like to do some simple yoga on the days I’m home to help with this, as well as practising some simple stretching and self-massage to ease the aches and pains. Make an effort to go outside every day - even if its just to sit on the poarch and breath some fresh air. Continue drinking water, carrying my water bottle around the house if necessary. Taking naps as needed will also be a big part of this. Not feeling ashamed for curling up on the couch when I’ve worked too hard on something, even when the lists of things to do are great. Getting myself to the point where I can actually go and talk to the doctor without feeling that my health is tainted by my working.
  2. Housework and cooking: Being at home makes me the person who should be completing much of the household tasks. This should be balanced carefully as to not be counter productive to #1. Little tasks at a time; no running up and down the stairs; and knowing when to stop. Starting with simple goals like shining the sink (with dishes in dishwasher) and always having the table cleared off by the end of the day. Expand this to dusting, vacuuming, and laundry. Get myself more organized in bill paying. For the cooking portion, I’d like to develop some menu pages that I can use to make grocery lists of some of our favorite meals. Start learning some more easy things that are healthy for both of us.
  3. Self-growth: I plan to do some learning of not only the health issues I’m dealing with, but also new techniques in graphics and design. I also have some arts and crafts goals - I want to make myself a quilt. I want to write notes and send cards tout to my friends. So I’m gonna clean my craft closet and get this in order so I can do these things.
  4. Business Development: I have a great desire to see if I could make money developing some of my online skills by just expanding on what I’m already doing. This requires time that I haven’t had due to working so much. 2 of my domains could be making money (1 isn’t live yet), and so I’m gonna do some research into what I need to do to write a business plan and at least get a little return on my work. BUT, in doing this, I don’t want to neglect the stuff that I enjoy doing without a financial return. So this can be a slow development over the next few months.
  5. Friendships: Make time for my friends. I have been so busy that I haven’t reached out nearly as much as I would like to. Set up some times to be online and just feel the companionship instead of being too busy to do this. Friends are an important part of my life, even if I haven’t admited this over the last few years. Reach out to my sisters, and don’t neglect talking to my brothers either. And never forget Eric in the midst of all of the new steps in my life.
  6. Christianity: I want to reach upward more often and at least remind myself what I believed in college before I got so cynical.
  7. Recreation: That’s right, its okay to have fun. Don’t forget that smile
These are broad goals, but how can I work towards something without some guidelines? I’m sure I’ll be revising this as I work towards being myself again.

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