why journal?
Why do I journal? I was intrigued to read what it said here: S.H.E.s Organized!: 21 Essays - Essay Eighteen
They may not have been specific in the type of journalling they were discussing, but it seemed to be a truth overall... "A lamp to illuminate the path of my life..." That’s just so profound, and I can see how true it is for me. Not only that, but I think the people on my sidebar are holding candles up to help me when my light is running low on oil.
I appreciate the ability to see where I’ve come from and get an idea of where I’m going through my journal. I wouldn’t trade this form of writing for anything in the world....
Yes! Another SHE! YEA!!!
Posted by: Lady Phoxxe | January 3, 2002 12:25 PM
That’s why I will definitely be tracking my SHE journal stuff over at The Resolution Project. I want to remember where I started at and be able to see the progress I have made. Plus knowing that other SHE’s will be watching me, I have to be good!
Posted by: Christine | January 3, 2002 07:16 PM